The latest Strathmore Journal workshop suggests starting with a painted background...
This page is page 2 of my Strathmore journal so I wanted it to fit in with the page 3 I had already done for Workshop 1 so I needed to keep to a blue/green/pink pallette.
I used acrylic washes and scrubbed some paint away and then dried the page with a heat gun.
Next I used the suggested spatter technique to get some extra detail; I managed to spatter quite a lot of my work surface but I like the effect (on the page that is)..
Then I tried out some more techniques from Roz Stendahl's workshop.
I liked the idea of tearing masking tape in half and then putting it together again right sides in to get a ragged edge - I did the diagonal stripes bottom left and all the page edges this way. I could not find the recommended artists' masking tape, so just had to use ordinary tape and be sure to move it off the page fast!
I needed to add some yellow to tie the page together with page 3 so I used yellow for the page edges.
I used stencils to make the rectangles on the page, dabbbing into the stencil with stamp pads. Then I used the water colour crayons from Workshop 2 to give each frame a yellow border.
Image transfers have given my Journal a name - DISCOVERY JOURNAL - and the left hand rectangles have my journalled intentions, which are to use this journal to try out lots of different techniques.It now fits in with the ideas on page 1 (previous post) and also with the Inspirations and Discover text on page 3.
I also added an apt quote from Marcel Proust, in the bottom rectangle and then image transferred photocopies of my romantic ladies I drew for my printing course. This refers back to reusing work I have already done in my journals (Workshop 1).
Although the techniques are completely different I think Page 2 goes well together with Page 3 so I have finally filled in the blanks! And I think pages 1, 2 and 3 now have a theme as well as using lots of new techniques I have been learning from the Workshops.